Our December meeting – Date and format change!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday!

This notice is to advise our general membership that our December meeting has moved to December 18.  While it will be at Trinity Community Commons as usual, we will not have an official meeting but a meal together instead.

In fact, neighbors from both Highland Heights and Cleveland Park have agreed that it’s only fitting for us to provide the meal normally served by the Nashville Food Project.  Unfortunately, they will be beginning their move to a new office and will not be able to provide the meal normally hosted by East Trinity Eats.  As this is a meal much anticipated and much needed by some of our less fortunate neighbors, our stepping up to give back to our community is only fitting for the season.

But we need help and volunteers to provide items for the meal.  To simplify things, the menu has been set – pork roast with gravy, mashed potatoes, buttered carrots, green beans, bread, pumpkin pie, coffee, tea, and water.  The pork roast and bread will be provided but we will need help with sides.   Specifically, we need:

  • 10 pans (13x9x2) of mashed potatoes
  • 10 pans (13x9x2) of buttered carrots
  • 10 pans (13x9x2) of green beans (canned is fine)
  • 12 pumpkin pies (store-bought is fine)
  • 8 gallons of unsweetened tea

We anticipate 80 to 100 people including the regulars who come to East Trinity Eats as well as neighbors from Highland Heights.

To volunteer one of the items above, please contact our Vice Chairperson Veda Rainey.  She may be reached at either (615) 587-1083 or vedaspannrainey1@gmail.com.

Thanks to all who help us make this a holiday gathering to remember!